Premium Blend
French Roast Review
Price: $2.99
Size: 12oz.
Price/lb: $4.00
RATING: $$$$
Another coffee review focusing on one of the bargain bagged coffees available at ALDI. I have made a point to attempt to try as many of the ALDI coffee flavors available. There are quite a few available priced at either $2.99 or $3.99 a 12oz. bag.
This coffee is labeled 100% Arabica French Roast Premium Blend. The coffee comes in a 12oz. bag and is ground. This is a very good value coming in at $4.00 per lb. The coffee has a nice sweet overtone with bold notes. It is typical of a French roast from the other major coffee companies such as Millstone and Peete’s. I would definitely buy this again and recommend it.
If you are looking to save a few dollars this is worth checking out if you enjoy a dark cup of coffee.